
Artwork and paintings

Life Drawings

Prices start from
£10 for 10 minuite pose to
£100 for 60 min pose

Canvas oil paintings

start from £250

All other artwork is priced individually on application


Guide prices for signed archive quality prints that are printed to order;
A4 - £30
A3 - £40
A3 - £60
Prints may take up to 14 days to arrive as once ordered that have to be printed, sent to the artist for signing and then posted to you the customer.

Most artwork on this site is available in print format to order, even if is not listed in the shop. Please email with and queries or requests.

Design work

Logo/Graphic Design

Flyer and leaflet design

Magazine and Layout design

Illustration work

A6-A5 Postcards

A4 Illustrations

Poster Design

Website Builder from Template

Every job will be priced according to supplied brief

From £55 - £200

From £100 (See flyer page)

From £50 per page

From £60each

From £100 each

From £200

From £100 per page

Please be aware that all design jobs vary in their complexity and requirements. We are happy to provide you with a free consaultation to discuss your individual needs and required goals of your project. Please contact for further details or to arrange a consultation.


A3 Portrait

A2 Portrait

A1 Portrait

Portraits can be done in a variety of styles and mediums from pen and ink to oils


From £200

From £250

From £500

All portrait commissions will be assessed on an individual basis and an agreement will be drawn up between the client and/or sitter in the case of portraits being done from life. In the case of commissions to be painted from photographs an agreement will be contractural between the artist and the commissioning client. A deposit of 50% will be payable up front for all portrait commissions. Please contact for further details or to arrange a consultation.



Character design

2D simple Graphic Animation

2D Illustrative Animation


From £100

From £100

From £500 (depending on brief)

From £1000 per second

Please be aware that all Animation jobs vary vastly in their complexity and requirements. We are happy to provide you with a free consaultation to discuss your individual needs and required goals of your project. Please contact for further details or to arrange a consaultation.


Art based Workshops in Painting, Animation, Collage and Drawing can be delivered to you at your location. Prices start from £250 plus expenses and vary depending on your requirements, the number of days and the number of attendees. Workshops can be tailored to suit your needs. Please email for further details and to book your workshop.